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Need to know Memo Writing, purpose, Format, Five Tips for Memo Writing.


Memo writing, memo format, memo types

All about, you know to about memo writing, memo format, memo types, memo organization, 5 tips for writing a memo.

In short “memorandum,” memo is a type of technical written document which is used by businesses, organizations, companies for internal communication. Memos (or memoranda) are commonly used for fair and clear short messages of one page or less, but casual reports of many pages may also employ memo format.

In business, company's, or organizations the objective of a memo is to provide or request information from people within your organization. It is significant to most care and attention is considered the key point of the memo and who should receive it at the end. A memo that is written frankly, friendly and skilled, and a professional tone stops any opportunity for misinterpreting.


Memos are specified by a heading that contains DATE, TO, FROM, and SUBJECT lines. Other lines, may be added as need such as CC or BCC. Many businesses used An RE (“Reference”) line instead of SUBJECT, but this use becomes rarer than “RE” is often mistaken as “Reply” because of its use in email.

DATE: Write the date on which the memorandum is circulated. In some cases, time may be mentioned with a date.

TO: Write the names of the audience/recipients of the memo. If there are several recipients, it’s adequate to use a denomination name, such as “All Employees” or “all managers”

FROM: Write the name and position in the organization of the writer(s).

SUBJECT: This part of the memo is very important. The SUBJECT line is the title of the memo, should be meaning full. Make it specific to the topic, so that readers can directly recognize the subject of the memo.

These subject lines may be double- or single-spaced, and often in all capital letters. In most cases, the order of the items can vary. Many organizations/companies have their style and way of work. Otherwise, double-spaced is the most common.

The text of memos commonly uses a block layout, with single-spaced lines, additional space between paragraphs, and no indention for fresh paragraphs. If a report using memo format lengthens to a few pages, double-spacing may be tried to enhance its readability.


Skilled and professional communication structures are organized according to one of two strategies:

Direct and indirect.

The direct organization writing technique of memorandum clear indicates the objective and purpose of the document in the first line (sometimes the first sentence) and gives supporting elements in the body.

The indirect organization memo writing technique starts with relevant, suitable, and attention-getting details that do not directly indicate the objective of the document. The objective is disclosed in the body of the message, usually sandwiched between supporting details.

The direct technique is used for good news or normal communication; the indirect technique is used for convincing, deals, sales, or bad news messages.

When the audience is not aware of the message, it is best to politely lead up to the subject gradually.

In both types of memo writing organization, activity required information or a thoughtful closing statement is positioned in the last sentences.

Style and Tone

Announcement memos and policy memos belong to those professionally written documents that have a more common tone. Most memos will have conversational, simple but still professional. Keep in mind, the writer and audience of the memo belong to the same organization work together. Writing style usually determines a connection with them (and therefore a certain lack of formality); just remember that the relationship is a professional one, so the writing should express that. Furthermore, as with all workplace papers, the audience may comprise a category of readers, and the technique and tone should be applicable for all of their technical and administration levels

Memo types by Writing Situations.

Memos are categorized in keeping with workplace communication needs, from documentation of ways and programs to easy announcements.

Below are some popular types of memos:

  • Policies (changes and new)

  • Instructions

  • Procedures

  • Announcements

  • Trip reports

  • Medium of distribution

Memos are generally circulated manually through the print shape in organizations. Because all employees have not accessed email. If all audiences of memos have access to email, the organization may circulate memos as attachments to an email.

In an organization, where every hand or every person who is in memo audience access to email. 0writers must decide about concerns before sending a memo or an email message to communicate their information. In this type of case, writers should assess three factors: the purpose and nature of the message, the length/number of its details, and its possibility of being printed for understandable reference. This type of message should be written up in memo layout and format and attached to an email message for fast distribution:

Five Tips for Effective Business Memos

Audience Orientation

Always consider the audience and their requirements when writing a memo. An abbreviation or term that is known to the administration may not be known by all the staffers of the organization, and if the memorandum is to be mailed and circulated within the organization, the goal is understandable and concise communication at all levels with no clarity.

Memos are often advertised, but may also require feedback or information about something. Memos can also be legal because they often reflect policies, strategies, or procedures, and workers The guide manual may also refer to an existing or new policy or strategy.

Emphasize the topic

The main article of the memo should generally be written in the subject line and should be clear, meaningful, and comprehensive. For example, if the memo is about holidays that can be celebrated the next day or week, the specific holidays should be named in the title line - for example, "Thanksgiving Weekend Schedule" instead of "Celebrating Holidays." Use

Live format

Business coordination uses two formats of memorandum. Direct and Indirect - The organization's administration has the power to decide which format to use.

Any declaration intended to be direct is used directly.


Memos are just a source for announcements or notifications. This should be an example of professional writing. There should be no aspect of personal preference, intention, or publicity.

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