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Best 21 digital marketing terms you must know in 21

Digital Marketing 21 terms of 2021

Top 21 terms of digital marketing in 2021.

You must have noticed, when a baby speaks in the beginning, his mother understands him first, while it is impossible to understand someone else’s. The term jargon is used in the language. This means that people from a particular community or group use certain terms when talking to each other, which are specific to the group. For example, lawyers and judges use several terms which relate to the law and their day-to-day professional affairs.

There is a separate community of digital marketers who have their language and jargon. A marketer needs to understand what specific terms marketers use and what they mean. Some words are abbreviations that a marketer needs to understand.

If you are looking for content to improve your marketing language or want to know all the terminology that is being used in marketing, then you are in the right place.

I chose 21 terms that will help the online learner in the digital marketing field.

Therefore I’ve made a list of 21 terms and avoided using the most frequently used terms, such as social media, ads, and websites.

Instead, it focuses on digital marketing terms ignored by masters and experts. My target is digital marketing students who are just starting a job in a digital agency or a digital marketing course.

This list is modes, easy to understand, you can get the most out of it.

1. Conversion rate.

Conversion rate refers to the percentage of customers or potential customers, who do a specific action online. Specific actions can range from opening an email, signing up for a demo, and making a buy.

Marketing efforts begin with a customer entering the sales funnel, and the next effort focuses on interesting them to take the next step. Conversion rate is an important marketing term.

A marketer must be able to compile and analyze conversion rate data in context.

Average conversion rates vary by marketing channel and industry.

For example, the research found that the average website conversion rate for the professional or financial services industry was 10%, while the retail or e-commerce industry was only 3%.

2. Push marketing.

Push marketing refers to marketing efforts that are organized to reach a message to potential or existing customers by targeting them.

Examples of push marketing include targeted email campaigns, electronic, print, and social media ads. Include a line of white marketing using digital signage inside the location.

3. Pull Marketing.

Pull marketing's other name is inbound marketing. Pull marketing refers to the marketing efforts you make to attract people to your website, app, or service.

Search engine optimization and social media marketing are examples of pull marketing.

4. Customer acquisition.

The primary goal of digital marketing is to reach and keep customers. Customer acquisition refers to the sales and advertising-related activities that are done to gain the customer.

5. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC).

The term Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) refers to the average cost of acquiring a customer. Calculate the CAC using this formula.

Sales and marketing costs; the total number of customers = CA

CAC is significant because it combines with CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) to tell you the total profit.

6. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

The term Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) tells you how much potential a customer generates for your business. The term Lifetime Customer Value (LVC) is also used for this. Experts describe many ways to calculate CLV, but I will write the simplest of them.

Average purchase amount; Frequency of purchases; Customer age = CLV.

You can analyze your business model yourself using CLV and CAC with a few tried and tested methods.

7. Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

The term search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most talked terms in digital marketing.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a technique in which you make specific settings on your website and content that rank your site for free and get you free traffic. It does not include the paid ranking in search engine results in SEO.

8. Search Engine Marketing (SEM).

Search engine marketing is using SEO and paid search engine optimization to increase the quality of traffic to your website traffic.

At SEM, Google ranks your site or content for a fee.

Put, SEO + Paid Search Results = SEM.

9. Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

A search engine results page (SERP) is an on-page SEO. When a user searches online content, high a chance, higher SERP score page show at top positions. This increases the chances of the user clicking on it.

10. Impressions.

An impression is a term for displaying online content. They used the term in the world of paid online advertising.

Click-through rate is determined by combining clicks and impressions.

11. Click through Rate (CTR)

The term click-through rate (CTR) refers to the percentage of clicks a campaign receives compared to the number of impressions. CTR ratio shows the success or failure of the ad campaign. The formula is:

(Clicks on a campaign; total campaign impressions × 100 = CTR

For example, if an ad has 5 clicks and 500 impressions, the CTR is 1%: (5 ÷ 500) × 100 = 1.

12. Cost per mile (CPM).

The term cost per mail (CPM) is one of the Latin phrases used in marketing language. “mile” in Latin means “thousand” and CPM means cost per a thousand impressions.

They used CPM as a reference for transactions in advertising campaigns.

13. Cost Per Click (CPC).

The term cost per click (CPC) is a marketing term that refers to the cost per click of a paid search campaign. In CPC, they made payments on clicks. CPC Pay Per Click is very popular with Google Advertising.

14. Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business term that refers to the process by which a company builds, maintains, and enhances relationships with its customers.

Many digital marketers use software for CRM to meet all the requirements of CRM.

15. Content Management System (CMS).

The term content management system (CMS) is used to refer to a type of specialized software designed to simplify creating a website and publishing content. CMS software guides the user in many other areas, adding content SEO.

16. Marketing Analytics.

They based marketing on analytics, so analytics and digital marketing go hand in hand. Digital marketing analytics is the digital data of marketing effects and results that marketers gain through social media, web forms, and other means. This data supports organizing subsequent advertising campaigns.

17. Bounce rate.

Bounce rate ratio refers to when a user comes to a page of your site and goes back doing nothing. Having a high bounce rate is a negative thing for your site and a low bounce rate ratio is a positive point.

This is a digital marketing term and applies differently to different places as the user lands on the site for different reasons and leaves the site for different reasons.

18. Return on Investment (ROI).

Return on investment (ROI) is the percentage of return on investment. There are plenty of specific metrics in marketing that keep you informed of the basics, like ROI.

In the world of marketing, they attributed a large portion of ROI to marketing. It is very difficult for you to know what compelled the customer to buy your product.

However, some analytics tools can help. 

19. A/B test.

A/B test is sometimes called split-run test. They carry this test for two different versions of the same thing. It measured the response of products in the A/B test. In the world of digital marketing, there are A/B tests of web pages, social media campaigns, email campaigns, digital ads, or sign-up forms.

20. Customer distribution.

Customer segmentation, also known as market segmentation. It is a division of consumer classifications based on different criteria.

By dividing customers according to their interests, purchasing power, and loyalty, better communication can be established with them and ROI can be improved.

21. Brand awareness.

Brand awareness is a very important term in digital marketing. It refers to the extent to which consumers are aware of a brand and its related products. The consumer will not purchase unless they are aware of the brand. They create brand or product awareness through a variety of advertising campaigns.

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